Well Read and Well Written

A. M. Meyers

Discover new adventures through the art of writing.

About me.

Welcome to my humble abode! I’m Alicia, though I write under the “pen name” of A. M. Meyers. I’m a writer, and for now, only just as publishing (having the “Author” title) requires a bit more finesse, but that is the goal. One day.

I do have many of my older pieces on Wattpad if you wish to see some of my earliest to recent fiction, as that is what I primarily write. And I do dabble in various genres, from murder mysteries, contemporary YA fiction, romance, and currently in the process of my first sci-fi fantasy. My target audience is often between new adult and young adult, but I’m always up for a challenge and creating something new.

For over a decade, I’ve been writing, learning, and improving the craft, and I’ve come to the realization that I hold a lot of knowledge about writing, a bit on the publishing side, and I love talking about books and bookish things. So, I thought, “Why not explore more and create a blog?” I can talk about my favorite things while also helping you in the mean time.


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Have any questions? Want to work with me on a project? Contact me.

Email: ammeyersauthor@gmail.com

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